Friday, June 29, 2012

Abs Diet Recipes - Good Food For Your Abs

Paleo Recipes :

If you're on an a diet trying to get your six pack abs to pop out, you'll know how tough it is to keep yourself entertained with interesting and exciting food, since there aren't that many dedicated abs diet recipes available. Don't worry though, there is light at the end of the tunnel - just think about how great your flat abs will look if you do stick to your abs diet!

Abs Diet Recipes - Good Food For Your Abs

The secret to eating properly so you can maintain or develop six pack abs or a toned stomach, is to eat low fat (5 grams or less per meal), high energy foods. A diet consisting of these types of recipes will keep your body happy, and your abs trim. The hard part is keeping your tastebuds cheerful, because usually it's the foods that are bad for us (and our abs) which taste the best!

Eating a low fat diet shouldn't mean you have to compromise on flavour or texture. So, in the spirit of good abs food, here's some abs diet recipes for low fat, high energy meals which will keep you loaded up with that feel-good factor, without loading up unnecessary calories and fat.

Here's a few ideas for starters or light snacks in case the urge grabs you:

* Curried lentil and lime soup

* Chicken and pastina broth

* Rice noodle salad with lemon tofu

* Prawn and ginger cakes with crunchy salad

Here's a few ideas for main meals:

* Crusty meatball pasta

* Peppered steak with mushroom Yorkshires

* Lamb and bulgar burgers

* Basil gnocchi with simple tomato sauce and wild rocket

* Greek-style roast cod

And.. dare I mention them: puddings!

* Roasted banana cheesecake

* Spanish orange creme caramel

* Rhubarb and orange-flower fool

* Chocolate meringues with cherry ripple

* Lime and passion fruit souffle

* Honey, almond and raspberry yoghurt ice cream

You can usually find these ab diet recipes in cookbooks (either at home or in your local library or bookshop), or I bet you could also find them online by just doing a search for the name. Remember, even though you're on a diet, you don't have to stick to boring recipes. There's loads of ways you can enjoy food and keep your abs flat. Use these as an example, and get creative with what you've got lying around at home.

Here's one last tip. If you crave something sweet: go for the fruit basket. Either have one or two pieces like mango, peaches and nectarines, or grab a handful of your favourites and blend them into a smoothie with some low fat milk and ice. That's a killer ab diet recipe!

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Salt and the Paleo Diet

Paleo Recipes :

There's a lot of contention in the health world over the amount of sodium allowable in a diet. Nowhere is this idea more widely debated than in paleo dieting. If you look through the wide assortment of paleo cookbooks out there, you'll see what I mean. While some use salt in almost every recipe, others strictly forbid it.

Salt and the Paleo Diet

The problem with salt in the paleo diet is that paleo purists believe that the body was created to digest only those things that existed during the lifetime of the earliest man, the Paleolithic era. Because salt was not introduced to the human diet until long after that, they forbid it in their diets and urge others to do the same.

However, some argue that just because it was not used doesn't mean that it didn't exist. It was available in the form of evaporated sea salt and salt deposits. Early man just lacked the forethought or means utilize it.

So, why does any of this matter? The debate over sodium is not limited to just those paleoites arguing over it's origin or some inconsequential evolutionary timeline. It's a debate that has sparked nationwide talks over the last food years.

Because the long-term effects of high-sodium consumption have been linked to such diseases as stroke, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, edema and stomach cancer, many experts believe that stricter guidelines are need for healthy consumption.

The FDA recommends that the average person consume no more than 2300mg of sodium per day (1500mg for people over 51, African-Americans or people with hypertension, diabetes or chronic kidney disease), but studies show that the average American gets between 3400 and 4700mg per day, and that an "estimated 75 percent of the average consumer's intake comes from packaged foods." (according to Food Navigator-USA )

For this reason, in 2010 New York City launched the National Salt Reduction Initiative, a campaign which urged food manufacturers to voluntarily reduce the sodium content of their products. The long-term goal is to see a 25% reduction across the board by 2015. This campaign has been met with a high amount of success, thanks in large part to the support and championing for the cause by First Lady Michelle Obama.

To the untrained eye, these all seem like great measures and reducing your sodium consumption to the lowest levels possible would just be icing on the health cake. Unfortunately, this a very flawed idea. To explain why, we need to look at what exactly sodium does on a biological level.

Sodium is a mineral, and an essential one at that. It regulates blood volume and blood pressure and our primary source of sodium is salt. For minimal function, the body requires at least 500mg. Too little sodium in the body can lead to muscle cramps, dizziness, neurological problems, or even death. Increased water consumption with insufficient sodium levels can cause a condition known as hyponatremia, or water intoxication.

In the average diet, eliminating sodium is an unwise decision, but for paleo dieters, a large population of which are athletes, the elimination of sodium from the diet can be life-threatening. When you sweat, you lose sodium deposits in your system, and when you rehydrate on a sodium-deprived system, your risk of water intoxication goes way up.

The best way to manage sodium in your diet is just to cut out processed packaged foods. Stick to foods that are fresh and freshly prepared. Don't be afraid to salt your food while cooking or eating, but be wary of recipes that call for huge amounts of it, and eat salted or cured meats in moderation. Drink plenty of water, but don't go overboard. The general rule is one ounce of water per two pounds of body weight, slightly more if you sweat a lot. If you have a high-salt day, compensate by boosting your potassium intake, which can help offset the negative effects of the sodium.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Paleolithic Diet - What It Is And Why It Is Healthy

Paleo Recipes :

The Paleolithic Diet - What You Want To Know

Paleolithic Diet - What It Is And Why It Is Healthy

The Paleolithic diet is a diet you may have heard about. It is a diet that is based around consuming the same types of foods that our prehistoric ancestors ate. What did prehistoric people eat? They hunted all of their food as well as gathered them. They hunted all of their animals, grew their own fruits and vegetables, and everything else.

What About Today?

Today, we eat the same foods as before, but we also eat a lot of new types of foods that our ancestors never ate. We eat very starchy foods like pasta and rice, as well as candy and other foods filled with sugar.

What happened was, about ten thousand years ago, we went through something called the agricultural revolution. What happened was we started to mass produce all types of foods. These foods are genetically different than the usual foods we were accustomed to and many nutritionists believe that this is the leading cause of diseases we see today. Diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, and cancer.

So Why Choose The Paleo Way?

So why was eating a paleolithic diet better than the foods now? It's very simple. We survived millions of years eating natural organic food. Our bodies have become accustomed to these types of foods. Our bodies have not been able to cope with these new types of food as well. It's evident because we see all these types of new diseases that never existed in the millions of years of humans roaming the earth. And nothing has really changed that much with our genes. We are genetically very close to our paleolithic ancestors. But the food we consume has changed dramatically. Again, many nutritionists believe this is the leading cause of unhealthy people.

A paleo diet means you will only consume foods we used to eat before the agricultural revolution. One big thing that didn't exist before was carbohydrates. Only naturally occurring carbs in things like fruits and vegetables are fine to eat. But bread, pasta, wheats, sugars, etc. These you will have to stop eating. You can decide the degree of paleo you want to pursue.

How Can I start The Paleolithic Diet?

If you are starting out, it's not hard! just slowly start moving away from eating "conventional" foods and you will eventually find you don't even crave the candy or pizzas anymore. You should also find you feel more energetic and feel more lively. Eating more healthy has so many benefits as you probably know.

You will need to find a list of paleo foods and maybe a recipe book to get you started. Good luck!

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Eating Foods From Paleo Food Lists for the Best Results

Paleo Recipes :

Early humans, the so-called cavemen, did not have the luxury of being able to drive down to the store whenever food was needed; these people obtained all their nourishment from hunting animals and gathering the wild fruits and vegetables around them. It has been found that these people were robust and healthy, mostly because of the natural diet they ate. The Paleo diet mirrors the diet followed by our ancestors, and eating those types of nourishment found on Paleo food lists can help you to feel healthier while providing optimum nutrition.

Eating Foods From Paleo Food Lists for the Best Results

Our diets have become saturated with foods that cavemen would never touch - spam, fatty chicken and turkey skin, sandwich meats, and processed meats like pepperoni and sausage. These foods simply contain too much unhealthy fat to be included in the Paleo diet, not to mention the foul assortment of preservative compounds and chemicals with which they are infused. Processed foods have been changed so much from their original form, and contain so many additives and so much salt and sugar that they can not only clog our arteries, but also make us fat.

The plow was completely unknown to cavemen, and instead they lived by following herds of animals and gathering the fruits, nuts, and vegetables that appeared in season. Grains were basically unknown to these people, and are therefore not included on Paleo food lists. All of us modern people have grown accustomed to eating bread, noodles, muffins, cakes and cookies - but these foods simply did not exist 20,000 years ago, and the people then were strong and healthy. It is also unlikely that many of them were overweight. Besides these processed carbohydrates, it is important not to eat food such as corn on the cob, rice, or wild rice if this diet is to be followed successfully.

Our ancestors were much more sensitive to the seasons and what foods would be available at certain times of year than we are. The nesting season in the spring provided the cavemen with a bounty of eggs, and eggs are an allowed food on the Paleo diet that will help you enjoy the type of breakfast you are accustomed to. The gazelles, deer, elk, and other hoofed mammals that the cavemen hunted provided lean, quality meat that had been fed on grasses and herbs rather than being fattened up on grains in the unnatural environment of the feedlot. Look for the leanest cuts of meat at the store, or cut excess fat away before cooking. Hamburgers that are advertised as extra lean and are specifically described as having less than 7% fat are suitable for such meals.

Fresh fruits and vegetables formed a large part of the caveman diet and they should also form a core part of your diet. While fruits are usually enjoyed raw, your vegetables should also be eaten this way, too, you will get more nutrition and more fiber from them. The exception is if you cook them up as part of a recipe, to accompany and flavor meat and to give more variety to your daily menu.

Partly because of the increased fiber and also because of the lean meat you will be eating, which takes a long while to digest, you will find that the diet described on Paleo food lists will leave you feeling full for a longer period after you eat. The quality of the food will slow down your digestion, and as you will be avoiding grain based carbohydrates, you will not get a 'sugar rush' that burns up what you have eaten too quickly. You will find yourself eating when you are hungry, rather than according to a schedule.

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

What To Put On Your Paleo Diet Food Lists

Paleo Recipes :

The popular Paleo diet follows the same basic diet principles of our ancestors in the Stone Age; focusing on the main food groups that were available to them. These were meat, fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds. They did not have the foods that we commonly consume today; so these should naturally be avoided as well. Following this diet will not only lead to weight loss, but it will also increase your energy levels and help you to reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

What To Put On Your Paleo Diet Food Lists

In order to follow the Paleo diet, one should avoid certain foods. These include dairy products, grains and processed foods. These items were not available in the ancient times so we should not be consuming them either. Although meat will form the basis of your diet, you should try to avoid the fatty ones such as chicken wings, pork sausages, pepperoni, bacon and deli products.

When it comes to wheat and grain products, avoid them altogether. This includes barley, rice and oats. Even foods that are labelled to be wheat free should be avoided completely. In general, you should make a rule to avoid any grain product; this might mean that you would have to say goodbye to pizza, pasta, corn chips, rice cakes and puddings. This is essential to the success of the Paleo diet.

It might seem that there are a lot of foods to avoid on the Paleo diet; but there are many healthy and delicious recipes that you can create with the basic Paleo food lists. Fruit and vegetables make up a large part of this diet and you can add them to any meal; you can even use them for healthy snacks in-between your meals. Meat products will also be present in most of your meals; so try to add a bit of variety to them. Although our ancestors did have access to eggs, you should try and limit your intake t no more than 5 of 6 per week. You can also use eggs in various recipes; one of the more popular ones is an omelette. You can prepare one using three eggs and fresh veggies like onions, tomatoes and mushrooms. This is a perfect breakfast meal and it's very tasty as well! When you choose other meat products, make sure that they are from lean sources; preferably from grass or pasture fed animals.

Another benefit of the Paleo diet is that your digestive process will eventually stabilize; resulting in fewer cravings and helping you to feel fuller for longer. Your body will let you know when you are really hungry, so eat only when you need to. Your metabolism will also increase over time, resulting in natural weight loss. You can increase this by adding a decent exercise program to your daily routine as well.

Not only will the Paleo diet naturally improve your health and well-being; but it will also provide your body with all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs. You will also have an increased energy level and live an overall, healthier life.

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Friday, June 22, 2012

More Paleo Meals To Delight Your Diet

Paleo Recipes :

In the Paleolithic diet, there are a lot of people thinking that meals included in the diet are tasteless since it is natural and organic. The truth is you can make it simple or complex whenever you desire. Especially with the use of Paleolithic cook books really can help you prepare delicious Paleolithic meals. One of the recipes I will be mentioning is just an example on how you can make a typical meal to a splendid meal.

More Paleo Meals To Delight Your Diet

Vegetable Curry

Eating curries can cover up most of the food groups. Covering up most of the food groups are a good way to stay healthy. So by preparing a vegetable curry, you can tackle most of the nutrients your body needs. Plus, you get to save more time and effort. In this curry recipe, you will be needing coconut milk, mushrooms as substitutes for meat, and eggplant. These are the main ingredients that you will need to prepare the curry. But before you prepare the Paleolithic meal, let us see the benefits of eating this curry first so that you will see that being in the Paleolithic diet is really healthy. Coconut milk contains fats, but not just any fats but good fats, since these fats do not come from animals. Mushroom is a good source of Potassium and vitamin E that works with anti oxidants that cleanses the body. On the other hand, mushroom is low in calories, so you don't have to worry about your calorie intake. Research shows that eggplants have nutrients that protect the lipids in brain cells. It also has anti oxidants that can prevent cancer.


5 eggplants (small to medium size)

Mushrooms (depending on the amount that you prefer cut in quarters)

1/3 cup coconut milk

2 gloves garlic (minced)

2 pieces green onions (finely chopped)

1 tsp coconut oil

3-4 pieces ripe tomatoes (diced)

½ tsp chili powder

Ground coriander

Ground turmeric

Ground cumin

Black pepper

To start things off, you need to cook the eggplant in an oven. Wrap the eggplant in an aluminum foil before placing it on the oven. Cool down the eggplants then dish out the flesh. Use a spoon to make dish out the flesh. Follow it up using a fork to mash the flesh. Set aside for the mean time. In a large skillet, sauté the garlic in coconut oil. Add the mushrooms and the green onions and stir it for a while. After which, add the ingredients on the skillet and mix well. Add the tomatoes and season with a little salt and pepper. Stir it until the tomatoes are tender. Add the eggplant flesh together with the cilantro and coconut milk. Simmer for a few minutes to let the flavors blend.

These are just one of the foods that can be eaten in the Paleolithic diet. Most of the meals in the Paleolithic diet are nutritious and tasty. Not only they are healthy but some of the recipes are used to enhance the cooking skills of the individual to make something out of the ordinary foods that we eat.

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sugar: Evil or Essential?

Paleo Recipes :

Sugar and carbohydrates make for vast nutritional confusion among people. Are you still scratching your head? Or have you walked away from all the noise because it just doesn't make sense? If this is your response to whether sugar is evil or essential, you are not alone in that boat. Yet, there is hope for clarifying some confusion!

Sugar: Evil or Essential?

Because there is a lack of basic nutritional education in the U.S., information is often befuddling and incomplete. Heck, there are lobbyists working diligently to push their particular agenda around certain foods, like corn or beef and dairy to name a few. Of course confusion will abound! You have many reasons to question and wonder what is the best thing for you and your family! And the family doctor is not necessarily your Go-To person for these questions, either. What? Wait....why not?

Doctors will readily agree that sugar consumption needs monitoring, or minimizing. However, for a plan of action on how to accomplish this, your medical doctor will likely refer you to a nutritionist. Did you know that U.S. medical schools teach only ONE (1) semester of nutrition? However, if you have Naturopathic Doctors (ND) in your area, they will look at diet much more closely to educate you about how food can impact, or change your health.

A nutritionist can be very helpful for finding ways to address the battle with sugar, and many insurance companies will pay for one. (A nutrition-based health coach may go deeper than the nutritionist, but is not covered by insurance.) At the end of the day, we all really need to have a working understanding of some basics:

  • Sugars are carbohydrates necessary to supply fuel for the body.
  • Most dairy items, fruits, grains and vegetables are carbohydrates that the body uses as sugar for immediate energy. The body processes each of these foods differently, so not all sugar is created (or used) equally.
  • Cheese, eggs, beans,meat, poultry, seafood are proteins that they body uses for energy it can use over a slower period of time.
  • Oils, butters are fats, which provide the slowest supply of energy to the body but are needed to lubricate our joints, and keep the brain functioning, which is why heart healthy oils are important in your diet.
  • Everybody needs a balance of these three (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) food groups.

Caveat: nutrition remains a very young science. How it functions is as individual as you are. A plan that works for Mom may be ineffective or counterproductive to Sammy, Jr. Not always! But the point here is to recognize that as individuals, there may be some very specific things that need to be addressed for individuals in families.

When it comes to processed, refined (white) sugars, its impact reaches:

  • behavior (often misdiagnosed as ADD or ADHD);
  • brain functionality (poor memory; loss of brain function; cognitive decline);
  • the immune system and cause allergies that may create skin problems;
  • the brain and provokes Alzheimer's or
  • the digestive tract, leads to insulin resistance, which in turn can lead to Type 2 diabetes if ignored.

The average American eats a HALF pound of sugar daily, or the equivalent of over 175 pounds a YEAR. Hold up ~ read that again: over 175 pounds yearly! So the aforementioned are just a few of the health problems attributed with over consumption of processed, refined white sugar which includes HFCS (high fructose corn syrups).

The half pound of daily sugar intake does include things like honey, maple syrup, agave syrup or molasses, but the vast majority consumed is the evil HFCS followed by refined (cane and beet) sugar sources. This translates into about 700 calories a day just from refined sugars!

To simplify the sugar battle, consider fresh fruits and fresh vegetables as the essential sugars to have in your diet. These carbohydrates bring much more to the table than just gorgeous color and texture to the palate. They bring essential nutrients that also fuel the body in a healthy way: vital fiber, vitamins and minerals.

For greater health, a balanced diet of fresh, organic fruits and veggies are always winners. Contrary to what Atkin's preached, and in line with what the Paleo plan recommends, fresh veggies and fruits are important parts of a well-balanced food plan.

If "I know I should eat better"is the hardest piece of thispuzzle, you have tons of options. Really! Part of the challenge to kick the evil sugar demon is to adjust your overly sweetened palate to a diet that is not saturated with sweet tasting foods:

  • There are plenty of sweet vegetables to try.Perhaps the number one winner is sweet potatoes (or yams). Try these gorgeous orange gems baked (not fried!) as a replacement to your favorite mashed potatoes.

  • Experimentwith using coconut milk, some cinnamon, ginger and cloves mixed into a yam mash. All of a sudden, that yummy side dish tastes like dessert! Loaded with fiber (if you eat the skin) and beta-carotene (vitamin A) among other things.

  • Try raw, steamed, stir-fried and baked versions of certain veggies. Carrots and broccoli are perfect examples. They can both be eaten raw, steamed with garlic, olive oil and vinegar or lemon juice. Tossed into stir fry, pasta or salads. Some recipes even combine fruits in the salads.

  • Seasonings can work magic to change the whole experience of eating. Use oil carefully, and be sure to add some acid (lemon, lime or vinegar) to bring more flavor to the taste buds. When selecting seasoning blends, chose wisely: there are all kinds of hidden sugars in most commercial seasoning blends!

  • Be prepared to try something at least 5 times before you completely decide you are unwilling to include a vegetable. Experiment with how your veggies are prepared to have diverse taste and new texture experiences.

  • Try pureed soups as an easy way to have a batch of veggies. Simply add organic chicken or vegetable stock and seasonings, cook until veggies are fork tender. Then throw everything in the blender (including the cooking water where all the vitamins and minerals cooked out), and puree until smooth. A dollop of creme fraiche, light sour cream or even plain yogurt can add some extra creaminess to the soup's texture!

  • Butter does a lot to please the taste buds. Again, go carefully with its use. Butter has twice as much energy value (calories that are more easily stored as fat, too!) as sugar. So rather than trade one evil for a lesser one, begin with a lighter touch. After a while, you may find that you need very little butter at all, and olive oil steps in as a healthier alternative.

Learning to move toward change around food is an emotionally charged process for most people. Take small steps forward to see how you can test the waters. Be prepared for the challenges ahead of time by accepting them as part of the process. Just as babies learn to toddle before the walk, there's a lot of falling back to the floor that happens before they even learn to stand up.

Release expectations that you eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables by the end of the first week. Start with one new color, or one particular veggie for a week. Your palate can and does change over time, so there's another unexpected change for the positive! Flexibility creates a manageable approach to switch a long-held mindset. See how curiosity can pave a smoother experience: when the mind is curious there is little expectation about anything new!

Buen Provecho & Bon Appetit!

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Grass Fed Beef - What You Need to Know About the Different Cuts

Paleo Recipes :

In comparison to market/industrial grade beef which has been experiencing a steady decline in demand, grass-fed beef is starting to become the beef of choice for most people. The reason is simple enough - grass fed beef offers more in terms of nutrition and taste. The beef is leaner and contains higher percentages of valuable nutrients like Omega-3, beta carotene, Vitamins A and E, along with CLA or conjugated linoleic acid (which is proven to be an effective cancer fighter) making it a wiser choice for consumers.

Grass Fed Beef - What You Need to Know About the Different Cuts

Grass fed beef, much like commercial grade beef also comes in various cuts and sizes. The cuts that you choose will depend on the preparation that you are planning to make as well as the number of people that will be eating. Just to give you an idea, here are some of the cuts available for grass fed beef along with some recommended methods of cooking.

Round: The round is a cut for the cattle's rear, including the hind, shank and the rump. The meat from the round is very lean but is not as tender, making it perfect for moist preparations.

Chuck: Although rich in flavor, chuck cuts are not as tender as the middle steak primal. They are typically suited for cooking options like pot roasts and braised recipes. This is also the perfect source for ground beef because of the balance in meat and fat.

Shortloin: The muscles for this primal are some of the least used by the cattle making them particularly tender. Because of this feature, shortloins are not suggested for preparations with long cooking times. Suggested preparations include Delmonico steak, T-bone steak and tenderloin. Shortloins are the most expensive cuts available in the market as of the moment.

Flank: The flank is the primal cut just below the loin primal. The primary cut for this part of the cattle is the flank steak. The best preparation for this cut is, not surprisingly, the steak.

Tenderloin: The tenderest muscle in the animal. Tenderloin is a great cut that can be used for a lot of preparations. Due to its nature, cooking time is short and never loses its tenderness even if its fried or served cold.

Other cuts include top sirloin, rear shank, rib, plate and brisket. Each of these cuts serves different purposes in cooking due to the individual characteristics of the meat. So do take into consideration what you will be cooking and the number of people that you will be preparing it for. This will help you to better prepare for what you are planning as well as prevent cooking disasters that can originate from choosing the wrong cuts.

But no matter the preparation, you will always stand to gain from using grass fed beef as they have more character and distinction in terms of flavor and aroma. You can check your local supermarket for grass fed beef as some do offer them, if not, you will also be able order them through online stores. Explore your options and find out why more and more people are starting to shift sides when it comes to beef.

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Scarsdale Diet Program's Easy Protein Bread Recipe

Paleo Recipes :

If you have committed yourself to the Scarsdale Diet programs, you have found then that the protein bread is an important part of the diet regimen. Many who are following the Scarsdale Diet program's method of weight loss either cannot find the protein bread in their local grocery, or are paying high prices at gourmet grocers for the bread. Here is a simple (but exceptionally good tasting) recipe for the bread.

The Scarsdale Diet Program's Easy Protein Bread Recipe

Scarsdale Diet Program's Protein Bread


One-cup warm water

One tablespoon dry yeast

½ teaspoon salt

One-teaspoon sugar

½ teaspoon apple cider vinegar

½ cup soy flour

¼ cup gluten flour (gluten flour has much fewer carbohydrates than regular flour. You can substitute high gluten bread flour if you cannot find gluten flour.)

1 ½ cups whole wheat flour.

Place water in a medium mixing bowl. Sprinkle dry yeast into to bowl and let stand until yeast dissolves (five minutes or so). Add salt, sugar, and vinegar to bowl. Mix well.

Sift together soy and gluten flours together. Slowly add to the yeast mixture in the bowl.

Sift whole wheat flour and add it to mixture in bowl. Turn mixture slowly until dough sticks together (and not to sides of bowl). If you have a mixer or food processor that has dough hooks, these help tremendously with the mixing.

Lightly flour a board or other surface. Scoop dough into ball with floured hands and place on surface. Knead for five minutes until dough is smooth and elastic.

Place into small bread pan that has been sprayed with nonstick spray. Adjust dough to fit shape of pan (loaf shape). Do not try to touch dough all the way to sides of pan. Cover with slightly dampened towel and set in a warm place (free from drafts) to rise. Let rise for two to three hours until dough has at least doubled in size and reaches top of bread pan.

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

Bake bread in preheated oven for one hour or until light golden brown.

The Scarsdale diet program's bread will be much denser than regular bread. Cut into thin slices. Keep unused portion in refrigerator.

In order to keep your Scarsdale diet program's bread longer (or if you would like to make multiple loaves ahead of time); you can double wrap the loaves in plastic (after you slice them thinly); and store them in the freezer. Take what you want out of the freezer, as you need it while following the Scarsdale diet programs.

Toasting the bread before consumption when on the Scarsdale diet programs makes the bread more palatable and easier to eat (the dense bread can be a bit dry and chewy).

If making your own bread is not for you; you can find some low cost options at the grocery. You should look for low fat/ low carb options that are whole wheat (never white) bread. You will lose the most weight on the Scarsdale Diet program's bread by choosing a bread that has greater than 4 grams of protein and less than 12 grams of carbohydrates.

The Scarsdale diet program's protein bread is an integral part of the diet. In order to achieve optimum weight loss while on Scarsdale diet programs, you will need to make or purchase the protein bread. The recipe offered here is relatively easy and you will not need a lot of prior baking experience.

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sensa Sprinkle Diet - Does it Work?

Paleo Recipes :

Do you want to eat all you can and lose weight at the same time? In today's news, there's a new diet called "Sensa Sprinkle Diet". It is developed by Dr. Alan Hirsch of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation. In a recent research by Dr Hirsch, 1500 people were put on this diet without changing their lifestyle. After 6 months, each of them has lost 35.5 pounds in average. The question is: does Sensa Sprinkle Diet really works?

Sensa Sprinkle Diet - Does it Work?

Firstly, you have to understand the concept behind this diet. In this diet, you will need Sensa shaker which consists of salt-like sprinkles. There are two flavors available: sweet and salty. All you have to do is sprinkles the Sensa on foods that you eat. These sprinkles send signals to your brain that you have eaten more than you have. In other words, the sprinkles work as natural appetite suppressant like Hoodia. As a result, you will be eating a lot less and result in weight loss.

The major advantage for Sensa Sprinkle diet is convenience. You do not have to worry about the amount of calories and carbohydrates that you consume. In theory, you do not need to change your lifestyle. However, it is recommended that you use Sensa Sprinkle in conjunction with healthy meals and exercise regime.

Before you rush to get buy the Sensa product, consider the cost: it is 0 for six months supply. It is rather pricey for weight loss products. While the concept of Sensa Sprinkle Diet sound intriguing, you can't help but wonder if you will gain all the weight back if you stop using Sensa sprinkles. In addition, Dr. Hirsch said that the long term effects and safety of Sensa diet haven't been study yet.

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Friday, June 15, 2012

The Pink Ribbon Diet Review

Paleo Recipes :

The Pink Ribbon Diet review will offer you some interesting information about what this new diet is all about. Written by Dr. Mary Flynn and Nancy Verde Barr, the book details specific food choices and provides some interesting recipes that are targeted specifically with beating the risks of breast cancer, if not fighting it in its path.

The Pink Ribbon Diet Review

We have all been made aware that we are what we eat, right?

Links between food and cancers (as well as other diseases) have long been studied. If we choose to consume unhealthy, processed, highly saturated fatty foods on a daily basis then we need to understand that we are putting our bodies at risk for developing pathogens that pose potential risks and increase the chance of getting these fatal diseases.

When our food is broken down to molecular levels, our bodies distribute what is healthy accordingly. But if we consume "bad foods" we also need to know that our bodies still react and process these molecules and this can have some devastating results.

The Pink Ribbon Diet promotes health. But what I like is that it isn't about "dieting" so much as it is about making conscious healthy choices with our foods.

Let me ask you this, have you ever heard of the Mediterranean Diet? Aka "The Mediterranean Pyramid Diet"? The Pink Ribbon Diet similarly follows it, and I've actually used it in the last few years to lose weight, and today I still utilize a lot of its ingredients and ideas with my current diet.

Mediterranean foods have been recognized as some of the healthiest of foods because they are so rich in nutrients, are considered to lower the risks of several diseases, improve and increase biomarkers, and help flush toxins from our body.

Along with The Pink Ribbon Diet Review you'll learn how it can:

  • promote life longevity
  • reduce chronic disease
  • reduce cholesterol levels
  • minimize visceral fat (the fat that surrounds your internal organs causing chronic illness)
  • utilizes healthy foods (think vitamin rich foods that are abundant in minerals and antioxidants, and include lots of fiber and essential fatty acids)
  • help you maintain a healthy physique.

Within the book you'll learn how to implement this dieting style and have approximately 150 recipes that are designed specifically to target breast cancer and its risks.

However, I have to say that in order to achieve the healthiest weight loss possible you need a resource that allows you unlimited meal planning and recipe ideas that are targeted just for you, you may want to shop around. There are some limitations to this particular diet book that may have some people who are trying to get healthy AND lose weight feeling that they need supplemental help and ideas from an outside source.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How Paleo Books Can Make the Paleo Diet More Exciting

Paleo Recipes :

Paleo books can transform your Paleo diet into a gastronomic delight. The books will also reveal the natural secrets to healthy living and longer life from the Palaeolithic age where people lived beyond one hundred years. There are several authors and books showing the relevance of going back to the basics in the consumption of food.

How Paleo Books Can Make the Paleo Diet More Exciting

A Look at the Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet, also known as the caveman diet, is a program that pushes the return to basic eating habits such as that of the Paleo people or the cave men. Remember that during those times, people eat natural and organic food for lack of technology to process food. These people get to live an average of one hundred years old despite the absence of medical technology.

Logically, in order to improve one's health and increase the lifespan, you would go back to those ancient days and how ancestors survive through their diet. This is the principle behind the Paleo diet expounded on several books written about it. You eat natural and organic food and avoid processed food; you stay healthy and live longer.

The Food to Eat

If you think the food to eat under the Paleo diet advocacy is bland and tasteless as they are natural and organic, you have to rethink. While you can easily label healthy diet programs as boring and dull, the Paleo diet may just turn out to be a culinary pleasure. There are several things you can do with Paleo foods to satisfy your taste, without having to subject your food to processing.

There are Paleo books that will show you the complete Paleo food lists and various gourmet recipes you can prepare from a diversified food lists. With these recipes, you can easily transform a typical diet into one that is magical to your taste while enabling you to stay healthy and fit. The Paleo diet can combine your taste for good food and the need to stay fit, trim, and healthy.

The Health Benefits

You will also know from the books how the Paleo diet can bring you multiple health benefits. You will understand how the diet works to prevent progressive ailments such as cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and joint pains among others and how these diseases relate to the damage done by processed food on your digestive system.

Several studies reveal that cave men rarely suffered, or none at all, from degenerative health problems. Back then, these men did not suffer from bone loss or inflammation and were healthy and strong despite their primitive environment. There are also studies conducted and clinical testing made on modern-day individuals who were placed in similar primitive conditions and environments, especially with their food consumption, and were found to produce favorable results of good health.

All these things, including how you can achieve an athletic body structure though healthy diet, you will find from the Paleo books. Get yours today and start to enjoy living a healthy life where you can look forward to a longer life.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Paleo Lunch Options - Great Recipe Ideas

Paleo Recipes :

Are you having a hard time finding some Paleo lunch options lately? With our on-the-go lifestyle, you might have a tough time finding foods to eat quickly. The best option is to prepare your lunch meals in advance and take them with you to work.

Paleo Lunch Options - Great Recipe Ideas

First, what exactly is the Paleo Diet? It's a diet based on eating the way people used to eat, a way that proved to be clean and healthy. There are no, if not very few signs of illness, disease and obesity from those times and that alone shows the health benefits of going Paleo. The Paleo diet revolves around ingredients such as meat that can be hunted or caught and that is preferably naturally fed. Also you can have fruit, seeds and nuts, eggs, vegetables, herbs and spices, oil, and flour. It may be hard for some people to transition because our bodies are so used to preservatives, artificial flavorings, sugar, glucose and other unnatural food, so start with changing one meal a day. Here are some Paleo Lunch Recipes you can enjoy.

Coconut Based Meat Curry - You have a choice of any meat that's considered Paleo with this dish. It is based on 1/2 a pound worth of meat. For the spice blend, you need:

  • 1/4 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom
  • 1/8 teaspoon teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground ginger
  • pinch of salt and pepper
  • Aside from that you'll need:
  • 1 medium white onion, roughly chopped
  • A bunch of garlic, chopped finely
  • Jalapenos (you can skip these if you want)

In a pan, sauté onions, garlic and jalapenos in olive oil; after a few minutes add meat and spice powder and mix well. When the spice powder has been blended with the meat and the meat is half cooked (time depends on what meat you're cooking), add coconut milk and let the mixture come to a boil.

Spinach Chicken Salad with almonds, pears and Dried Raspberries - You'll need:

  • A bag of baby spinach leaves
  • 1 diced pear
  • ½ cup of raw almonds
  • ½ cup of dried raspberries
  • 2 Chicken breasts cooked and cubed
  • Pinch of salt and pepper

Simply toss all ingredients together and add some almond oil, and voila!

Paleo Roasted Chicken Breast - Buy 3 pounds of chicken, marinate with:

  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1 teaspoon dried rosemary
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon coarse black pepper and coconut oil.

You can also add 1 red onion cut into quarters. Mix all ingredients well and roast in a 350 degree oven for 40 to 50 minutes. Delicious and healthy!

Paleo Sautéed Chard, Golden Raisin and Pine Nut - You will need:

  • 3 cups of properly washed and dried chard, sliced
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil or vegetable oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • finely chopped garlic (you can also grate the garlic for a more intense garlic taste)
  • 1/2 cup golden raisins
  • 1/2 cup pine nuts

First sauté the garlic and chard then remove from heat and in a bowl mix in all the other ingredients, simple and fast. There are so many more recipes that are easy to make and above all scrumptious! This is a diet that you wouldn't know was so good and healthy for you, so why continue filling yourself with food that does you no good when you can have it all in a Paleo Diet. Try these Paleo lunch ideas and see if you can't make the switch.

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Monday, June 11, 2012

Adopt the Paleo Diet Approach to Cut Flab

Paleo Recipes :

In our desire to lose weight, sometimes we forget our limitations because we are blinded by our desire to achieve our desired figure. We want to reach that certain echelon of fitness and in doing so, some of us tend to do, dare I say it, outlandish things just to get that perfection. It is problematic, yes, but only if you don't have the proper guidance and information about the things you're planning to do.

Adopt the Paleo Diet Approach to Cut Flab

An example of a method to lose weight that we usually sweat over is following a diet. Every regimen has a rule, and sometimes we find it difficult to exactly do as planned due to several reasons: if we don't have enough self-control and discipline, it often results in cheating. And we tend to believe whatever our friends say about different ways to lose weight fast and so on; without verifying the information first. Remember that some things might work for your friend and not for you. So, you better be sure you are well-informed of what you're doing, which is the case if you entertain the idea of going for the Paleo Diet.

If you have already heard about the distinction of this diet, it is safe to say that it really is quite interesting and effective too. The concept of this diet is really simple, although it seems to be complicated because of the restrictive air it exudes; or so the critics say.

It reduces the intake of carbohydrates by increasing the amount of eating fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and sea foods. By decreasing the carbs, it decreases the risk of having heart diseases, diabetes and cancer. It also encourages one to eat healthy and the information about Paleo diet is very accessible. There are various kinds of cookbooks and recipes that can easily be obtained should one consider this kind of diet.

Moreover, remember that if you want a permanent weight loss, you must remember two important pointers. First, remember the active lifestyle of our ancestors. Meaning, aside from eating healthy, you need to exercise as well. Second, you are your own person. And the criterion about the effectiveness of this Paleo diet is your ability to stay dedicated to your diet. There are foods that you probably don't want to eat and foods that you might crave for, so eat foods that you know will work well for you, while maintaining a good balance.

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Everyday Guide to Paleo Meal Plans

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Most days, people make their food selections based on cravings rather than planning to eat well. This opens up room for eating things you should not and over the years leads to weight gain. With specific Paleo meal plans, you are given a specific set of rules and then plan your meals from those guidelines. The important factor in sticking with the plan, is variety in your food selections from day to day. Paleo meal plans guide anyone who wishes to live the Paleo lifestyle. The guidelines show which foods to eat, which to consume in moderation, and which to eliminate altogether. The plan excludes processed and typical American convenience foods. Grab a trash bag and get rid of these foods in your pantry and kitchen cabinets:

Everyday Guide to Paleo Meal Plans

  • Cookies
  • Crackers
  • Regular bread
  • Cereals
  • Flour
  • Sugar
  • Regular milk
  • Regular cheese

The plan generally includes lean meats, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and eggs. A weekly plan that includes these items is the key to success. Success is measured in how great you feel and also melting away extra pounds. Your guide to creating a Paleo meal plan:

Write down your meals for the week.

Make a list. Make a shopping list of the food items that you want to make your meals for the week. This list will serve as your guide in keeping on track and buying only the necessary items while at the grocery store. You will tend to save money on groceries if you only buy the items on your list!

Go grocery shopping. Try to plan a specific day each week to grocery shop. After making your list, you are now ready to hit the store to buy all the things you wrote down on your list.

Cook, eat, and enjoy. You are now ready to make your Paleo meals. Make it a routine to eat dinner at the dining table and enjoy! Make your own meal plan and follow it. When you see the results of sticking with the Paleo meal plans, it will make the planning easier. Be prepared to look and feel amazing. Your health is the most important thing in this world and what you eat is definitely one major factor in how you feel. When you first begin the Paleo plan, it can seem extremely limited and difficult. The more you experiment with the options available to you and get your hands on some great recipes it becomes much, much easier.

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Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Paleo Vegetarian Meal - Six Ideas and Tips

Paleo Recipes :

Are you searching for Paleo vegetarian meal ideas? You have come to the right place. When eating on the Paleo diet, it can sometimes be frustrating for vegetarians who are unable to eat grains or beans on the plan. Here are a few vegetarian tips that can help you reach your Paleo goals.

The Paleo Vegetarian Meal - Six Ideas and Tips

1) Bananas are a great addition to just about any Paleo dessert to create a smooth, creamy texture. You can freeze bananas and then puree with berries to create "ice cream" that you can enjoy to your heart's content.

2) Think "meaty" without the meat. One of the best options for creating meaty dishes without using beef or chicken is to use mushrooms. Fortunately, mushrooms come in a wide variety of tastes and textures. Some are smooth and rubbery, while others are bumpy and heavier. Large mushrooms can be sliced into thick patties and grilled for a barbecue that would make even meat lovers jealous.

3) Crockpot cooking is simple and really brings out the flavors of foods. Sometimes cooking vegetarian can be time-consuming because of all the preparation of vegetables. Cut down on some cooking time by putting all of your favorites right into the crockpot before you head to work. Set on the lowest setting, by the time you get home you will have a delicious soup or stew waiting for you.

4) Vegetarian cooking does not mean only vegetables. When making your favorite dishes, consider adding fruits for an extra flavor kick and a little sweetness. Wilted spinach with blueberries, fennel bulbs with grilled pears, cucumber and watermelon salad are all options you might not have considered yet. Be creative with your veggie and fruit combinations and you will be an expert Paleo vegetarian in the kitchen.

5) Do your fresh herbs go bad before you get to use them? To keep this from happening in the future, buy an ice-cube tray for very small-sized cubes. Finely chop your herbs such as basil, dill, or parsley. Mix the herbs or herb blends with a small amount of oil. Place the mixture into the individual cubes of the ice tray and cover. Freeze overnight. Remove cubes and place into snack-sized plastic baggies for freezer storage. Add cubes to your skillet or pot whenever your recipes calls for them. Now you can enjoy your summertime herbs all year-round.

6) Are you bored with your salads? Kick it up a notch by making new and exciting dressings from your fruits and spices. Blend an orange, lemon, berries and some fresh mint for a refreshing topping. How about blending cucumber and dill for dipping vegetables? Upgrade your food processor or blender since it is a kitchen item you definitely will get maximum use out of as a Paleo vegetarian.

With some careful planning, creating new and stimulating ideas for your menus can be a cinch. While it is sometimes difficult, making the commitment to be a Paleo vegetarian is a wonderful gift to you and your health.

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Friday, June 8, 2012

Low Carb Recipes For the Prism Weight Loss Program

Paleo Recipes :

With more and more people who are concerned with their weights and want to undergo a weight loss program, to choose the right kind of weight loss program to follow can be very difficult. This is because there are many programs out there that one can avail of and there are so many diet recipes that you can explore. The problem though is that what you can only do is to simply try the programs and the recipes first before you see the result of the program. This is the scenario that often beset those people who are into a diet program. As they say, you need to try for you to see the result. But one of the recipes that many people have tried and have proven to be effective is the recipes for the prism weight loss program.

Low Carb Recipes For the Prism Weight Loss Program

There are a number of recipes out there to follow for those who are into diets and one of those that interest many are recipes for the PRISM weight loss program. Diet program provided for by this company is that of a low carbohydrate and faith based program that emphasizes change in an individual's way of life rather than on temporary diet weight loss plan. The Prism weight loss program was developed sometime in 1990 and almost one hundred thousand people follow the program and formed a group of fellows who are also into this diet program. The group in essence becomes the support group of each one of them and is there to encourage one another and share their diet insights and experiences.

As for the recipes for the Prism weight loss program, the main diet recipes are on a low-carbohydrate meal plan which basically calls for cut on sugar, white bread and other processed foods. The program also allows certain leeway for sugar such as the use of unprocessed sugar like honey and even allows for a wider variety of food options. Also, the program aims to eliminate the intake of too many carbohydrates which come from fruits and vegetables. The program unlike the other diet program incorporates a variety of foods to choose from in order for you to have a right and balance diet.

When you join the program they provide for a dietary plan that you should follow for six weeks wherein the whole thing calls for a daily 1,200 to 1,400 calorie-diet. In Prism, what is emphasized is that one should opt for the healthy whole foods rather than the white, processed, and refined products. Almost everything in the diet program has to be weighed in order to ensure that you take just enough calories that your body can burn.

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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Baking Gluten Free Desserts

Paleo Recipes :

Dessert lovers are absolutely crushed when they find out that they have celiac disease. Finding out that you have a disease is bad enough, but learning that you can no longer have the sweet desserts you love can make that feeling even worse. Changing your lifestyle to take on a gluten free diet is never an easy task, especially when it means you have to give up many of the foods you love.

Baking Gluten Free Desserts

However, what if I told you that gluten free desserts were a possibility? They are, you just need to substitute gluten based ingredients for gluten free ingredients. Some existing gluten based recipes will not work with gluten free ingredients. This is why cookbooks such as Paleo Cookbook are so helpful. There are many options for gluten free desserts available.

Gluten is a food protein, which is commonly found in wheat, rye, and barley. This means that sweet foods such as cake or cookies are not allowed when you are on a gluten free diet, unless you get creative that is. Normal wheat flour can often be easily substituted with potato flour or rice flour. Yeast is a big no-no for baking so how do you get bread to rise? Another substitute! Agar-agar or whipped egg whites can have the same effect of trapping air inside the food in the same way that yeast allows baked foods to rise.

Although it is difficult to start a gluten free diet, it is not impossible. With the right food knowledge, and knowing what to substitute in your dessert foods, you will be able to be healthier and happier in your life. With substituting ingredients, your favorite baked goodies can still taste great.

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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The ABC's Of Paleo Food Guide

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If you already heard about the Paleo diet, perhaps you're also aware of the foods included to create a healthy Paleo meal plan. If not, then might as well start putting it in plain words, speculations and all the trappings it entails.

The ABC's Of Paleo Food Guide

Paleo Diet, also known as Paleolithic Diet, Caveman Diet and Hunter-Gatherer Diet, is a type of diet based on the foods the ancient people eat during the Stone Age Era. Since they used hunting to source their food, their diet mainly included wild animal meat, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables.

In statistics, it was approximately 99% of what they ate all the time. The 1% is for stuff that they might have consumed occasionally or during the latter period of the era, when they learned how to settle in one area and is actually out of our scope of knowledge.

Considering the list of foods that one can eat in generous amounts, some that are in moderation and several that needs to be eliminated, it is natural to be confused and skeptical at first. However, since there is a wide selection of food guides, recipes and cookbooks, considering the Paleo diet might not be as hard as you thought it would be. And to give you a rough idea of the foods that you should and shouldn't eat. The list below might be helpful and somehow able to satisfy your curiosity.

First are the highly-encouraged foods. Any lean meat that is trimmed with visible fat will do-from pork and beef to goat and rabbit meat. Breasts of chicken, turkey and game hen are also good choices when it comes to poultry. Chicken, duck and goose eggs are also protein-enriched food so including them won't hurt.

You can also try organ meats as alternatives if you need to meet a budget because they are cheaper. Fish and shellfish are included as well so you won't have to worry about eating meat in all of your meals per day.

As for fruit, you can go from apple, berries and cantaloupes to pomegranate, tangerine and watermelon. That's how wide your selection is. Same goes for vegetables, though greens are the best, you can mix them with red and orange ones to make a nice blend of your nutrient intake.

As for the foods you should avoid, all dairy products, legumes, grains, starchy foods like cassava and potatoes, soft drinks and other drinks high in glycemic index and of course, sweets. Cavemen certainly were not fond of ice creams and candies in their time!

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

L-Proline Nutrition

Paleo Recipes :

L-Proline, an essential amino acid, is a precursor, along with vitamin C, of collagen. Collagen is a building block of tendons, ligaments, arteries, veins and muscles--the heart muscle in particular; collagen also helps heal cartilage, and cushions joints and vertebrae.

L-Proline Nutrition

L-Proline is important in wound healing, cartilage building, and in flexible joints and muscle support. It also helps reduce the sagging, wrinkling, and aging of skin resulting from exposure to the sun.

L-Proline, by breaking down protein, helps create healthy cells. It is essential both to skin health, and for the creation of healthy connective tissues and also muscular tissue maintenance.

The Signs of L-Proline Deficiency

Because the body, when its glucose levels drop too low, "eats" muscles for energy, L-Proline deficiencies may occur in endurance runners and others who do prolonged exercises; these individuals, in order to prevent muscle loss, may benefit from L-Proline supplementation.

Those who have suffered from traumatic injuries--in particular, skin injuries, and severe burns--and people with pain resulting from insufficient cartilage or collagen formation could also be L-Proline deficient.

Small amounts of protein are available in meat, dairy products, and eggs.

Anyone wondering if he or she would benefit from L-Proline supplementation should consult a physician.

Supplemental L-Proline is available as stand-alone capsules, and tablets, and is often found in sports drinks.

Because excessive amino acids can disrupt the citric acid cycle balance, and to make the liver and the kidneys work harder to eliminate wastes,
those with liver and/or kidney disease consult their physicians before using an L-Proline supplement.

Our Tip on Choosing an L-Proline Supplement

Because the production of nutritional supplements in the U.S. other countries is largely unregulated, both government and private research has determined that health consumers only have a 20% chance of buying a product that contains the same ingredients stated on its label, or worse still, a product that is not contaminated with harmful toxins.

Because of this, we suggest that you only purchase from pharmaceutical GMP compliant facilities, which adhere to the world's most exacting manufacturing standards. By doing as we suggest, you will be assured of getting the amount of L-Proline you paid for, in uncontaminated form.

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